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[Update, 7/21. The DAA has an “August Recess” campaign on their website now. Please use that page to contact your elected officials (especially your Senators) about NOT supporting Scott’s amendment!]


[This article will be updated as necessary, please bookmark and check back often. Updates will be posted above this section.]

As the article headline states, Senator Rick Scott is Attempting to Destroy the UAS Industry!

Is this a overstatement? I have no doubt many will think so. But many, including myself, believe that if the Senator’s Floor Amendment is included in the Senate version of the Final Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), that will be the outcome. Because it contains some language that is very detrimental to our industry (& hobby).

Although it may not be his intent to destroy us, there is a very high probability that will be the outcome.




As many of you know, the House version of the NDAA includes language that mirrors Representative Stefanik’s Countering CCP Drones Act (CCCPDA). At the time the Senate published their version of the NDAA early in July, the CCCPDA language was not included. But as we said then, we couldn’t relax out vigil. We assumed a Senator would try and offer something similar as a Floor Amendment.

Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) has announced that he will be presenting a floor amendment that combines some of the CCCPDA, and some of Stefanik’s sister bill, Drones for First Responders Act (DFR). And another change we see if that Scott is adding Autel to the list.


As we read this (as yet to be presented) floor amendment, we’ll notice that it’s drastically different than the House version that contains Stefanik’s CCCPDA language. There is not only the “DJI bad!” language, it also states “Autel bad”. Sec. XXXX (there is no amendment number yet) (b) states: 

“Addition of Certain Equipment and Services of DJI Technologie and Autel Robotics to Covered Communications Equipment and Services List”

Scott has also included:

“(I) any subsidiary, affiliate, or partner of the named entity;

       (II) any entity in a joint venture with the named entity; 


       (III) any entity to which the named entity has issued a 

     license to produce or provide that telecommunications or video surveillance equipment”

So now that would include companies like Anzu Robotics, Cogito Tech by Specta, and any FPV drone that uses the DJI Air Units.



What other surprises did Scott throw our way?

~As mentioned, Autel Robotics has been added to the Scott’s amendment. This may actually be a good thing. Not that they’d be affected, but that they may finally see that they’re part of this too. I like Autel as a company, and over the years I’ve had more than a few friends that work there. But up until now, Autel management has not joined the cause. They’d been quite happy to let DJI and this industry do the heavy lifting in these fights. Of course they knew many of these bills (especially the DFR if passed) would drastically affect them, but I believe they have taken the tack of flying under the radar to let others fight this. 

Maybe that means they had faith in what we’ve been doing? Maybe that means Autel management hasn’t been paying attention (I doubt that)? Maybe that means they don’t care (I also seriously doubt that). I have no idea why they’re stayed out of the public fight, but maybe this will change that. We can only hope.

~This also further restricts grants from using DJI or Autel equipment. In 2023, the FAA gave out $10M worth of Aviation Workforce Development Aircraft Pilot Grants. Of the 12 recipients, 10 either directly or indirectly included UAS in their programs. And of those, the vast majority (all?) were very likely using Chinese drones or components.

~First Responder Secure Drone Program. While this is not a blatant copy of Stefanik’s DFR, it is similar. However, it only gives First Responders the ability to draw from the fund, and it does not say how it’s funded. It also sunsets it “2 years after the date of enactment of this Act”.

And with this we still run into the “what do First Responders buy?” Issue. And nothing, and I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, will be ready for them to buy in 24 months. This is the ultimate “All Hat and No Cattle” piece of legislative ignorance.



So what can we do?

First, contact your Senator. Like, right now! One thing Congress does well (as it should) is to make it easy to contact your legislators. You can find out who that is, and how to contact them here. And with a little bit of finger magic on the Google page, you can also find out how to contact them at their local offices. 

Since the Senate is in recess until September 9th, now is a great time to let them know what this amendment will do to our industry. The Senate Schedule calls the recess dates a “State Work Period”. While I would hope that your Senator would take full advantage of the duties they’re charged with during their  “State Work Period”, if they’re also up for reelection, i have no doubt they’ll be campaigning as well. This is both good and bad for us. It means they’ll be less available, but it also means they may be more receptive to listening to their constituents’ opinions on controversial legislation. They may (key work “may”) also be more likely to meet with their constituents in person rather than through a staffer. So reach out to them at a local level.

If you’re granted a chance to speak with your Senator, please consider these talking points. Use them to formulate your ideas. If you want to email your Senator, the Drone Advocacy Alliance is in the process of crafting a “Take Action” campaign. I’ll include the link above the updates section of this article once DAA publishes that campaign. Or you can contact them yourself via the Find Your Senator page.



While it is still not time to panic, this would be a very serious setback if included into the Senate’s version of the NDAA. So we need to act now!

I don’t usually ask folks to share my articles, but I am in this case. Share it in your local drone groups, and with your drone friends. And remember, both DJI and Autel make up quite a large share of the recreational drone use as well. And if you add the DJI Air Unit to this list, it also drastically affects the FPV crowd. If you’re interested in finding more about FPV regs, please go to the FPV Freedom Coalition’s page.

Time to get to work folks. 

And thank you in advance for being so diligent in both your actions taken so far on the mess in D.C., but also in your efforts to share the message.

We can still win this battle. And yes, this is a battle. It’s a battle to save our industry and our hobby. 


Drone Service Providers Alliance provides “Professional advocacy for Drone Service Providers throughout the United States”. Our mission statement is “A United Voice for Positive Change”. We are a dues supported 501(c)(6) organization. Dues are used to cover travel and operating expenses. No salaries are taken by Kenji and Vic for the work they do on behalf of the U.S. commercial and recreational drone industries. We fully believe a rising tide raises all boats. And since we also fly drones for a living (& fun), it will benefit us as well.

If you believe in what we do, or find this information useful, please consider joining us, or simply donating, we appreciate any and all support: https://dspalliance.org/join-us/

Also, have you added to your drone fleet? Do you know the ins and outs of your new drone? Check out Pilot Institute’s Deep Dive Videos. Greg and crew do a great job helping you understand your drone better. And each and every Deep Dive Video is free.

Need a new drone? Need to rent one for a specific job? Need some repair work done? Blue Skies Drones is your answer to all of these questions.

As always, fly safe. You are always wearing your “Drone Ambassador Hat” when you’re in the air. Please represent out industry and hobby accordingly.
