A united voice for positive change
Professional advocacy for Drone Service Providers throughout the United States.
welcome to dspa
The Drone Service Providers Alliance provides a voice to those who fly drones for a living. Whether a small, medium, or large sized business, you need a group advocating for you. We fill that need by amplifying your voice to the FAA, to Congress, to state and local governments, and to international standards bodies. We effect change by working with these organizations to ensure that your voice is taken into consideration when they make decisions that impact your livelihood.
Unlike professional lobbyists that have no idea of the challenges faced by remote pilots, both leaders of the DSPA are seasoned veterans of the drone pilot world. Not only are they drone professionals, they have a track record of making change and protecting your rights and interests.

film | television | industrial | inspection | real estate | creative

Join the movement
Join the cause and help move our industry forward with a strong and united voice. By becoming a member, you help us take our message to the FAA, Congress, state and local governments, standards bodies, and to other influential industry organizations. We can no longer afford to be on the receiving end of bad policy. Work with us to help create common sense regulations and standards that benefit us all. With membership, not only do your help our industry, you gain access to our members only portal where you will gain access to industry standard procedures and templates.